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fuck you money

Fake bills used in hiphop videos to rain down or to be thrown in the air by the performing artists while gesturing and posturing in a manner that communicates "fuck you" to the viewer.

Stage assitant 1 to stage assistant 2: "the director requested more bling! We need to empty at least 5 more bags of fuck you money in front of the ventilator!"

by thoughtstream November 27, 2012

18๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cycle of horrible events that follow each other without delay.

While driving you switch lanes to get to the fast lane and the other lane becomes the fast. Then you switch back the other lane becomes the fast lane. Followed by hitting you head off the steering wheel do to anger. Then swerving pissed off into the next lane but only hitting someone elses car. Followed by paying for court and damages. And getting dicked by the cops. Therefore stuck in an endless fuck-you-go-round

by Trebor Rekceb September 3, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck You Urban Dictionary

Fuck you all you worthless assholes for not publishing my word relsih you guys are all big puddles of piss and you probly say fucking gay words like fail and legit so nobody likes you and you probly still live with your parents you fuckheads!!!!!

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guy that works at urbandictionary: I'm a big fucking homo for not posting the word relish on urbandictionary.
Everybody else in the world: ya we all wanted to see that word on urbandictionary but you didn't publish it you assbag so FUCK YOU URBAN DICTIONARY!!!!!!


221๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck you in your mouth

Oral sex, espically very vigously

"I'm gunna fuck you in your mouth bitch."

"Okay hold up, let me tie my hair back"

by Evan916 September 29, 2006

87๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lemme fuck you in the face

Basically means a man wants you to give him a blow job but him do all the work

Antonio was texting Rebecca and said lemme fuck you in the face

by Bella bat girls February 14, 2016

happy fuck you year

Happy Fuck You Year is the appropriate saying to send to someone who was shitty to you in the past, and you have no desire to wish a 'happy' new year. It is especially appropriate for ex's. Gets the message across quickly in a a mean, slightly stinging manner.

Karen to BFF: My ex was such a jerk last year... Lying, dating other people... I sent him this sexy selfie at 12:01 am New Years Eve and said "Happy Fuck You Year !"

by Funny Moms December 31, 2016

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck You *Hang Up*

The only pure way to kill off a phone conversation with you having the last word.

John: You're a dick

George: Well, i fucked your Mum!

John: Fuck You *Hang Up*

by maybeyoushouldn'tbesorude September 28, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž