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san andreas highway patrol

a group of queers that suck at being leo

jesus Christ san andreas highway patrol sucks ass.

by wowthatslegitness May 31, 2019

Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1

An awesome revival. A continuation of an old wonderful thing, only wonderfuller. A beautiful progression into something better and pure.

Like an old friend who came back with a jetski and some hookers, that dude is aqua unit patrol squad 1, son!

by jim jam jimmoree May 17, 2011

22👍 5👎

Thot Patrol: Division XVI (16)

The Only Type of People, made of weebs, Naruto Runners, Ex-Thots, and H*ntai Watchers, they are the best defense against the thots, and the strongest task force in the world
Field Marshal: HXNTAI MACHINE (@thxtpatrolxvi)
Admiral: George Donatto (@thegeorgedonatto)
More Ranks Avalible, Follow @thxtpatrolxvi to enlist in Division XVI, the highest form of thot patrol

Random Guy: OH NO! A THOT!!
Thot Patrol General: THAT THOT IS TOO POWERFUL!!!
Thot Patrol Admiral: ...we should call Division XVI!
Thot Patrol General: Yes.... *calls Thot Patrol: Division XVI*
Division XVI Field Marshal: THOT EXTERMINATED
Thot Patrol General: you saved the day, more thots to exterminate

Thot Patrol: Division XVI (16): the best protection against thots

by MaskyUnknown XL October 1, 2019

2👍 1👎


It means the thirst is real. The chick is looking for "the D." She is on the hunt, the prowl, she wants it now. #thirst #D

Yo dat bitch Alice is on the d-patrol, she triple texted me last night

by JoeMcyart July 11, 2015

Boarder Patroled

When your with your significant other and you move your had down their pants (third base) and they pull it back

The other night I was with Suz and when I tried to waker her up with my hand going down her panties, I got boarder patroled

by Justketchup May 29, 2020

Fatass Patrol

The one fat guy in your squad who embraces it (his fatness).

You: " Yo what up Mike"

Fatass (Mike): "Make way for the Fatass Patrol"

You: The fuck?

by Smaaaash July 10, 2016

print patrol

A person or group of people actively searching for someone’s penis print or outline.

Wow, the guys here are so hot! I’m definitely on print patrol today!

by April 29, 2023