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Public Relation Officer

Who was with you last night.

by The Matrix3 September 20, 2010

1👍 8👎


a girl that wants nothing more then to profit from pro snow and skatboarders

I was kickin it with the 413 crew when these Pro-Ho's came up and wanted to chill, but then they asked for some free stuff so we gave them stickers. They slapped us and and said, "No free snowboard?"

by lust November 28, 2003

12👍 6👎

ass pro

An ass pro is someone who has
a) a very professional attitude about his ass
b) has a very professional looking ass
c) has a profession that involves taking it up the ass.

"Dad, I wanna become an ass pro!"

by arsebum October 16, 2009

12👍 6👎


adj. Describes a person or organization that wants to imprison and/or discriminate against anyone who doesn't share their religious beliefs.

Pro-family groups: Focus On the Family, Family Research Council, The Taliban.

by MrFranklin June 21, 2006

44👍 32👎

Winamp Pro

The definition of the "Winamp Pro" is one who masturbates to the free porn that can be viewed on winamp's internet tv.

Last night I opened Winamp and was a Winamp Pro!

by Nate The Great April 1, 2005

16👍 9👎


It’s a mental health awareness term for people who encourage others to recover while also giving them space to choose not to — and offering support through it instead of eradicating their human rights. The focus shifts from isolating, stigmatizing and shaming individuals for their self-destructive behavior to harm reduction through acceptance.

Someone who uses that label instead of the old “pro-recovery” one recognizes all people deserve to recover, while also admitting that forcing them into it could have massive repercussions on their psyche (specially given the state of the current mental healthcare system, as it doesn’t have that many resources and forced recovery on its own is not only traumatic but also moralizes poor mental health as immoral and reinforces systemic ableism).

It’s about allowing people to feel their own feelings without immediately pushing them to do better — because a lot of the times, that’s the best they can do.

Getting better is a choice. Not a requirement.

TL;DR Movement that defends the idea that people deserve human rights despite wanting to recover or not as well as the autonomy to choose between the two.

Marco: Hi Denise! I heard you relapsed… Don’t worry, I don’t blame you for it and i’ll support you through everything.

Denise: Now THAT is a hot pro-autonomy babe!

by sk8thin March 22, 2022

7👍 2👎

pro gamer

Being “pro gamer” means to be neutral in a conversation about a controversial topic

Joe: hey Fella, are you pro life, or pro choice
Fella: bruh, I’m pro gamer

by thelittlebonsai February 15, 2021

6👍 2👎