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Google Queen

A woman who has amazing google skills and is always the first to research the answer to any possible question. Her speed and accuracy are legendary although the links she shares may sometimes scar you for life.

Before I knew what happened, the Google Queen had posted responses to questions I had not even asked aloud yet!!

by sluce December 3, 2010

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Queen of Snowflakes

The Queen of Snowflakes is responsible for every snowstorm in North America. She is rumored to be a redhead with a temper that can be roused by any perceived transgression against her, either real or imagined. To her loyal subjects she occasionally grants respite from her white plague.

Guess the Queen of Snowflakes is pissed, there's a foot of the white crap out there this morning!

by Jane Douglas January 3, 2011

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lesbian queen

a term used for a lesbian ruler,turns straight girls gay,the corrupter of all woman,hide your wife,if it's not a challenge it's not wanted.She may not be famous outside of the bedroom but she'd do things that make her famous behind closed doors...not allowed to name names but melj of hali this ones for you

Lickalotapussmuff diving instructorlesbian queen

by state of corruption January 18, 2011

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Drama Queen

Someone who turns something unimportant into a major deal. Someone who blows things way out of proportion when ever the chance is given.

"Oh my god! You copied that without giving the other person credit! That is just mean. You're horrible, don't talk to me. Im gonna go tell everyone what a cruel person you are just so they will pay attention to me and think im cool."

by Jaime December 17, 2004

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micropeen queen

The very rare category of man or woman who prefers or who is sexually attracted to very small penises, in other words the complete opposite of a typical size queen.

Darrell: "Well, Kelly broke up with me. I guess it was just a matter of time..."
Kenny: "That sucks dude. Was it because of your unusually tiny penis again?"
Darrell: "Yeah, that's like the eighth time this has happened to me. But I am holding out hope that somewhere out their lies my micropeen queen."
Kenny: "Good luck man."

by StonerWithATinyBoner February 1, 2015

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gym queen

A guy, straight or gay, who spends way too much time at the gym just to look like the Ken doll and usually writes on dating sites how many times he goes.

Look at Brad, he has such a ripped hot body, he must almost sleep at the gym just to look like that.. urg what a gym queen!

by Markyto May 9, 2008

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trailer queen

This term is used to describe a show car that travels around in a trailer. There are two general types of trailer queens.

1) A car that, for some reason, can't or shouldn't be driven but is still show worthy. For example, some cars are too old to be safe to drive cross-country so they must be trailered.

2) The most common trailer queen can be driven. The owner is ussually so tied up in the status and appearance of his car that he has forgotten the joy of driving it and now hauls it around in a trailer to avoid dirt. These are often painfully shiny with very expensive, detailed painjobs and excess chrome. The owner will wash and polish every part of the car (even the brake pads) before the car goes in the trailer and then again after he parks it at the show. Extreme trailer queens are often hauled around in trailers that are show-worthy themselves.

We had fun driving our cars to the show but that trailer queen is so tied up in making his car extra shiny that he's gonna be polishing the thing until tommarow.

by northendwhitetrash August 25, 2008

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