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Republican Party

Say they represent the people, but really only give a fuck about the rich. Don't do much for the people, but they want to thoroughly check our backgrounds extensively. Since they don't do anything for the people, they need to mind their own fuckin' business and stay the fuck up out of ours. Let us coexist, but refuse to acknowledge each other.

Do not approve of gay marriage while about 80% of them are gay themselves.

Do not approve of abortion although they approve of war, genocide and having a death penalty is OK. Technically the unborn baby isn't alive until it passes the first trimester, from when it stops being an embryo (Zygote) and is considered a fetus.

Example of the Republican Party?
George W. Bush

by Raw Doggy May 17, 2010

606πŸ‘ 13519πŸ‘Ž


One who joins the Democratic Party because they hate the Republican Party, and for NO OTHER REASON. They are seldom aware of the fact that there are weaknesses to both parties, and just assume that the Republicans are entirely far-right morons who are all pure evil, and are responsible for all of the problems in the world.

Person A: "The republicans do nothing right and are all racist hicks who only care about themselves!"

Person B: "Jeez, you're such an Anti-Republican. Each party has its strengths and weaknesses."

Person A: "Gosh, you're just blind to the fact that they're the problem!"

by NeitherParty August 29, 2014

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Massachusetts Republican

One who thinks they agree with Republican ideals and are reasonably conservative, but realize they'd be considered a Liberal Democrat, or a moderate at least, anywhere else outside of MA, particularly the Greater Boston area.

Girl, seeing liberals on campus running around naked and hugging trees: "I think I'm a Republican."
Boy: "Nah"
Girl, after watching the RNC and speaking with red-state relatives: "Nevermind"
Boy: "Yah, you're totally a Massachusetts Republican. Want to get naked?"

by ek2035 September 11, 2008

37πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

republican special

When she dirty to the point your only solution is to douche her mouth and ass with formaldehyde so you don’t die from the clap gone gangsta mode in 14 seconds while you try to speed knuckle her.

Jeff requires a play thing! This one looks kinda dirty. Give her the Republican special!

Boss, are you sure?!?

Give her one before and for Christ’s sake give her one after god dammit!!

by MasterKof January 14, 2022

Republican Party

The reason the world hates America.

Person 1: The Republican Party are why I hate America!
Person 2: Hardout bro!

by mrfoyster January 21, 2012

359πŸ‘ 13409πŸ‘Ž

Agnostic Republican

A Republican who believe's in the republican way of life soley from their own beliefs and not someone elses(church)

They Are usually the most educated person in a debate.

I choose Republicans not for a higher grounds beliefs but from my own personal knowledge

by Capitolist revolution August 14, 2005

99πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

republican sex

Sex between a grown man and young boy, which is later vehemently denied by the grown man after being recalled publicly by the young boy.

Too bad about the senator, his penchant for republican sex after church cast doubt on his staunch anti-gay voting record and ultimately necessitated his resignation.

by polkadotninja April 7, 2008

132πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž