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sweaty boob money

Money used to pay for purchases that is wet or damp from being in your bra

She paid me for her beer with sweaty boob money.

by stamble January 12, 2014

sweaty fortnite kid

a sweaty fortnite kid is a kid that has an obsession with fortnite or roblox. they usually use outdated terms like ‘cringe’ or ‘yolounironically. if you see one, the best thing to do is just walk away as one of their best tactics is to be so dumb that half of your brain cells die.

person 1: Should we go down to Starbucks for some drinks?
person 2: Yeah sure, hey, what’s that kid playing basketball doing?
sweaty fortnite kid: That was so cringe, I almost dunked that bruh.
person 1: oh don’t mind them. Their just a sweaty fortnite kid.

by puffy fish March 28, 2022

Sweaty little cunt

This phrase is used as an insult when someone is clearly better than you at a game, but you can’t come to terms with how bad you are. Often followed by “fuck this shit game” or “there’s no way he’s had sex”.

This prick has just scored another goal, the sweaty little cunt.

by Ssewankambo December 4, 2020

[sweaty chicken wing]

fornicate inbetween a girl's armpit.

kyle wishes he could give a lucky girl a sweaty chicken wing. kfc would have nothing on him. hahaha

by shawanna getonme January 2, 2009

6👍 1👎

Sweaty Palm Day

A day in which you do nothing besides masturbate and play video games, hence by the end of the day your palms are very sweaty.

John: You wanna smoke a coupla blunts tomorrow?
Jake: Nah. Imma have an old fashined Sweaty Palm Day.

by iamsoiam February 15, 2010

8👍 2👎

Sweaty Jizz Farmer

Somebody who refers to Gardening in their excuse for not wanting to leave the house.

*on phone*
John: Hey you coming out today?
George: No sorry I need to help my dad mow the lawn.
John: Stop being such a Sweaty Jizz Farmer and come out.

by AfroBurglar April 30, 2009

12👍 4👎

sweaty fat fuck

someone who is sweaty, fat and a complete fuck up really.

Ben Moon. lmfao.

by loz! November 30, 2003

43👍 22👎