The filth that you are covered in after traveling via plane with strangers all day long...
I've been flying all day, I fill covered in travel gravy!
the residue left between your ass cheeks after dropping a massive projectile deuce. Most noticeable after a diaherra-like deuce and even after wiping, it still feels there.
"damn, i just finished wiping and i still got some deuce gravy left"
The act of mumbling and slurring words simultaneously while speaking, resulting in a non-understandable statement.
Jamie: Hey, how's it going?
Hannah: Pretty good, actually; I just got a dubahbgdaboh...
Jamie: I'm sorry, what? You were gravy talking big time just then.
Sipping lean rappers way to say i
I’m hella wavy, Nigga i be hella sippin gravy
The liquefied remains of a placenta or period.
She had some labor gravy on her pants.
After the birth, the doctor cleaned the labor gravy.
Another word for a loaded up penis about to reign terror on someone. It's uncomfortable yet rewarding like a Thanksgiving dinner.
I was nervous when Albert pulled out his gravy gun and unloaded on Grandma Betty, but she ended up loving it. We all did.
An expression you make when you're made or you loose something
Guy: aw cheesebuckets & gravy I died in the game