Source Code

Voice mail fail

when you call someone and have a conversation with what you think is them, but is actually their voicemail.

"I thought I was talking to Clint, but it was just a voice mail fail."

by skm7227 April 18, 2010

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A 40-50something western-educated doctor/engineer/venture capitalist who marries...or arranges to marry an American white girl.He is usually Indian,Persian,or Arab and smitten with things Western.She's usually 30something,educated,sorta hot in that"polished babe" kinda way.

BANKER 1:"See Mahmoods' new bride? Rather attractive blonde.
Wonder what his family thinks."

BANKER 2:"REVERSE MAIL-ORDER.Wonder if she's been to dinner
yet."(mild chuckle)

by L.MARTIN October 27, 2005

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Snail mail

Postal service used in 1800s-1930s era that usually took a few months to transport mail

Thanks! No more snail mail!
Cheetah mail? Or snail mail?

by Billiam Beaver July 5, 2016

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You've Got Mail

Based off of the Tom Hanks film, when two people in relationships like each other, they have mail.

Guy One " Dude shes hotter than my girlfriend."
Guy Two " Dude You've got mail"

by Bac100 June 17, 2011

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checking e-mail

slang term for masturbating. People say they are checking their email when they are really looking at internet porn.

be right back, im gonna be checking e-mail.

by wkrpinpitts February 11, 2010

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trash e-mail

A service hotmail offers that will filter some useful messages but that will never ever filter a spam.

Cool, I got a huge amount of spams in my mailbox and all the letters my boss sent me are in the trash e-mail folder! Thank you, Microsoft.

by onlinepokes March 23, 2007

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mail man surprise

poop in the mail box. doesnt matter how you get it there just make sure it does, by the time your mailman comes around noon it will be a nice steamy surprise. just not your own mailbox..

when dooky is put in your neighbors mailbox and come the next morning when your mail man digs his hand in he gets the mail man surprise.

by A.W.J. July 9, 2009

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