Guy 1: Did you see Sky Heinser?
Guy 2: Fucking what
An idiot nerd who hangs around with other fat people.
Sky Chao used my toilet now its ruined!
One of the best books on this planet!! Go check it on amazonnnn!!! love the author and thisss book!!! the way the character overcomes his fear is just amazing!!
omgg have you read a leap in the sky?! it is amazing!! if u haven't ur dumbb bruhhh
The ‘high’ range is Clouds 1-10, and then you have Skies 1-5. If you say you’re on cloud 1, you’re barely feeling the bud. When you’re on sky 5, you’re so fucking stoned that you’re astral projecting.
*hits blunt* “Bro you feeling it?”
-“Yeah man, I’m on Sky 5 right now bro.”
When you want to describe that you can smell piss everywhere or you can see it everywhere, you use Yellow Sky.
Person 1: Remember this place?
Person 2: I remember it had a yellow sky.
Person 1: What are your thoughts about last night walk?
Person 2: There was a yellow sky, So not really good.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Person 1: Do you want to revisit the city?
Person 2: Hell no there is a yellow sky in there.
A Chinese Internet slang equivalent to "逆天",which means literally "make the sky upside down",it is simply used in describing a person or a thing which is extremely absurd and unacceptable,as if they have the power to reverse the sky.
Why you just licked her feet and barked like a dog?You are so sky-reversing!
One of the greatest alternative artists alive. If you don’t listen to Underground Music or Underground Artist, Sky keyz Music will change your whole perspective on life and music
“Yo have you heard the new Sky Keyz?!?!”
“Can you play Sky Keyz?”