The word 'crust' has several meanings. It means a person, Whom can spend hours on end in a bed, On a couch etc, Watching a marathon of a TV series or movie, Like Law and Order or The Simpsons or even for a movie Snakes on a plane. A crust is a person who enjoys a take away greasy meal rather than a nice home cooked meal. Or it can be used to refer to doing all of the activities above.
Friend " Oi what are you doing today"
You " Just crusting "
A dirty, bummish looking person that attempts to look nice but always fails because of his or her physical appearance. Crust.
Sergio why yu so crust?? Sergio: "I'm sorry I can't help it okay!"
Verb - to crust something
To finish or complete something, usually an argument.
Originated in the rhyming slang "Crusty Bread" meaning "'nuff said"
Batman would kick spider-man's ass
No he wouldn't, spider-man is way better!
Will you guys shut up and crust it?
A crust is a word used for a some sort of itchy area that turns flakey
Oh no I think I'm becoming to get crusty
A boy who sleeps around with a lot of girls
A male version of a thot
I don't trust him he's a fucking crust
He's so crusty