A tag made by others on your post while looking for collectibles among unknowing sellers on social media. The act of some "average Joe" screwing up the whole market in large portions of cities.
Man, I posted to find something on facebook and some douchebag put yet another Timmy tag and screwes it all up
Weirdo funny and a lamebutt who is forever alone. The only pussy he gets is his cat Sylvester cx his friend Cathy loves him and will always punk on him cuz he's mean to her even though he helped her get with the love of her life. She thanks him for that. Loves to sing randomly and is obsessed with his kitty loves dubstep but hates the beach. He's really friendly and nice to get along with. A really good friend to have.
lame timmy is scared of cholos, lame timmy loves his pussy, lame timmy sings randomly and off pitch cx
He glasses and ranch hair dye and likes to get in to fights and lose them
spanish name/scientific name timatayo
A square head and special. He probably goes 136.
Timmy is a square
A racial slur for white men (those hailing from Western or Eastern Europe.) Usually used for the purpose of emasculation.
He’s a timmy, of course he’d back out of a fight.
The most radical boy in the universe
Who the hell is jimmy
Have you heard of Timmy from A Hat in Time?
Yes, hes so rad.
I know right!