Source Code

dog poop pee uh oh *dire h as*


Person 1: "dog poop pee uh oh *dire h as*"
Person 2: "fart"

by ditooooooooooooos April 4, 2022

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber is GAH GAH UH GAYYYY!!!!

stay away the beaver will booty rape you stay away from dame's and woods and stay away from beavers

Justin Bieber is GAH GAH UH GAYYYY!!!! ok people he is a beaver who booty rapes you ok.

Justin Bieber is GAH GAH UH GAYYYY!!!! = he is gay

by GAY BOYS ARE BOOTY RAPERS November 7, 2019

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Uh huh, oh, awh. I love you

The word rotation commonly used by males actively particapitating in World of Warcraft raids while communicating with their girlfriends via telephone.

The following is a typical example of the 'Uh huh, oh, awh. I love you' sequence.

Girlfriend: My grandmother's coming into town this week.

Male: Uh huh... (boss at 25%)

Girlfriend: I don't think you're listening to me.

Male: Oh... (boss nearly dead; that shit better drop this time.)

Girlfriend: Jesus Christ! My grandma died three years ago, Chris!

Male: Awh... (That douche warlock better not roll....)

Girlfriend: I'm leaving you for your brother...

Male: I love you! (*Wins roll against that fucktard lock.*)

by katsnack July 8, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

uh summa lumma dumma lumma

uh summa lumma dumma lumma

uh summa lumma dumma lumma

by KysonAndrews May 17, 2022

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Slapatoasta (slap-uh-toe-sta) Adjective

1 : Bad ass;

2 : An adjective describing the immense amount of radioactive pimp juice brought forth from an object or situation.

3 : An incident so shocking it makes you want to slap your grandmother.

4 : A term coined during a heated debate with Entenmann's about muffins.

Slapatoasta (slap-uh-toe-sta) Adjective

"Did you see webduck railing the 3 legged hooker, it was slapatoasta!"

"That clan on Xbox Live is Slapatoasta!"

by Daddyhungry December 5, 2011

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The Nokia Effect (n): "NO-key-ah uh-fekt"

The incidence of increasing monthly cell phone charges resulting from daylight savings time ending

The Nokia Effect (n): "NO-key-ah uh-fekt": its dark out at 5pm, my phone is free at night, its dark at night, therefore my phone must be in night time free minute mode at 5pm, not true says my $250 cell bill)

by Michael VanAmburgh and Bobby Rogers November 4, 2006

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My baby says she wanna dance with a ghost, she wants to leave me uh

The greatest line ever written in songwriting history. Basically means your babygirl wanna ghost you coz you can't even be the speck of dirt on Mark Lee's shoes

Mark: "My baby says she wanna dance with a ghost, she wants to leave me uh๐Ÿ˜ฉ"
Jisung(to Haechan): "what's he saying?"
Haechan: "oh, he's saying that his girl's ghosting him"

by Kwangya county jail guard January 31, 2022

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