A shitty copy of Among Us that wasn't supposed to exist
John: Hey did you see the new Murder Us app?
You: go fuck yourself John
To penetrate the anus of a human being or some other animal if you're into the whole bestiality thing.
Angie got pissed at Jimmy for using the backdoor without anal-eze
A scam phone company that takes advantage of dumb rich farmers in rural America.
Person- Why haven't you answered your phone in a month?
Other person- I have us cellular.
A comedy TV series that it’s better than the UK version, was on Netflix but is now on a still widely unknown platform called Peacock
The office (us) is funny
when the sussy baka does the among us imposter thingy
sussy red imposter: i'm not sus
blue: amon us
sussy red imposter: you are imposter blue
everybody else: yes blue is imposter
shitty ass game only 5 year old mentally retarded kids play. the most unfunniest piece of ''humour'' known to man. this shit is so unfunny i would jump off a fucking cliff just hearing it.
the definition ''sus'' also was made popular by this game, meaning ''suspicious'' as the game is about catching the impostor through suspicion.
Pope: ''God is among us.''
Some retard: ''haha among us sus''
Once a wise man said: "This game is about some space crew trying to repair a ship but there are impostors trying to demolish the plan, isn't this familiar to september 11 2001''
helo dis us impostr from amodus
among us1!?!/! 😱😱😱
yeaz we dank impostr poshin from amogs
omg gibe me hapy meel
teh amugos happi meal coming to maccy deez today r u happy
the new among us drip!!