A selfish, unaware ass with no respect for anyone else's time. The bane of impatient people, and everyone else's existence, they will walk slower than previously thought possible, making sure to be in the center of the walkway and moving side to side while walking so no one could possibly pass them. They also like to stop in the middle of walkways to talk with friends and to act surprised when you get annoyed and ask them to move. The most efficient way to deal with such people is to (as rudely as possible) tell them to move.
OMG, you're such a slow-walker, move, my grandmother walks faster than you.
A cool handsome person with good taste in women /men and a smart person who is funny
Jaylen Walker gave me good relationships advice
amazingly stupid and un talented and the worst person ever. watch out for lalah she is a big butt face. She always got that nasty weave
lalah walker is not cool watch out for her always carrying them knifes
Someone who walkes so close to others (romanctic or not) that they're touching.
Oh my god Jessica, it's a hundred degrees out, stop snuggle walking me!! You're such a snuggle walker!!!
hot man with piercings and tattoos who also seems to be going a little grey. Works in the English department.
“Describe Mr Walker.”
“Quirky and different.”
a very fit man who pulls loads of women
omg oliver walker is so fit i wanna SHD so bad
someone who walks stiff and block-like
That person walks like Minecraft Steve, they're a real block walker.