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(v.) Toking off two cannabis vape pens simultaneously, one out each side of the mouth so they look like walrus tusks. Also called "doing the walrus."

"I got a couple vape carts, now I'm walrusing them."
"You got a vape pen, I got vape pen. Let's walrus those!"
"My girlfriend and I like to do the walrus at Bassnectar shows."

by beingeco July 30, 2018


A walrus is a beloved creature who falls from the sky and since space is above the sky, walruses are therefore the overlords of the universe.

That walrus landed on my car, I must have been blessed with my shattered wind shields.

by TheActualRealBatman February 10, 2019


cool man best in gc president walrus cool swagga

God {Walrus} is so much better than Adrian!

by Walrus7 July 10, 2021


The act of smoking two vape carts simultaneously.

It’s called the walrus because the two vape carts look like walrus teeth. Verb: walrusing, walrused

“Steve is crazy, look at him hitting 2 vape carts.” “Yeah, he’s doing the walrus!”

“i just walrused so hard, I can’t stop coughing.”

“Give me both vapes, I’m gonna go full walrus!”

by Plurman July 5, 2024


The act of smoking two vape carts simultaneously.

It’s called the walrus because the two vape carts look like walrus teeth. Verb: walrusing, walrused

“Steve is crazy, look at him hitting 2 vape carts.” “Yeah, he’s doing the walrus!”

“i just walrused so hard, I can’t stop coughing.”

“Give me both vapes, I’m gonna go full walrus!”

by Plurman July 5, 2024


That fat girl in the office who thinks she's the smartest most beautiful and hardworking person in the world. When she's not instant messaging her coworker that sits 10 feet away you might find her talking extremely loud on the phone to show everyone how smart she is. She is millennial so she deserves that half and hour morning and afternoon vape break where she bitches about everyone in the office.

That fucking Walrus has been talking on the phone for 30 minutes about her new appartment. What a great use of company time.

by MickeyMouse2233 November 20, 2017


White, authoritarian, liberal, racist, urban or suburbanite. See also Karen.

HOA presidents. A liberal white report with the audacity to explain what it means to be Black to a Black NFL Coach. Occult fascists.

Karen and her walrus horde showed up at the school board meeting and demand we have Drag Queen story hour twice a month!

So, I was talking to a Choctaw friend at the coffee shop about how bad the Indian Clinic sucks and the Walrus at the next table told me the proper term is First Nations Person.

by CherokeeJack October 18, 2022