1 Used in place of “might as well” just because my family makes fun of me 😁
2 Used to make an unenthusiastic suggestion.
"I wise well begin"
I wise well go to the store and get a case of beer and drink it so I have an excuse for how I talk.
Colloquial euphemism for displaying such vivid emotions of euphoria, that one could reasonably assume the subject is frequently partaking in recreational hard drug use.
"Did you see Jerome fondling those teacup pigs, whilst simultaneously laughing hysterically? That guy was well ed”
The proper grammer for when you describe something being done exceptionally competantly.
Brad: lets smoke out an apple
Chad: naw it wont work
(It works)
Chad: damn that worked hella well
Well drinks served at a bar that become progressively more expensive as the day marches on.
Well drinks are 50 cents starting at 9 pm. Every half hour the price goes up by 25 cents. Progressive Wells.
the act of losing touch or other words getting lost "falling into a well." of anti social-ness.
disappearing for a few days that by only one or a little few people is recognized.
boy:how is mike?
girl: i dont know.
boy: how come?
girl: i didnt talk to him today, he could have timmy'd into a well
Anything that well constructed or skillfully built, usually this sentence belongs as a compliment
This film is very well-made!
Army/Military term: In BCT or AIT when there’s a (typically) an unannounced check on peoples room/lockers. The drill sergeants are suppose to be looking for mold, etc but they actually just throw everything around in your room in hopes they find food, vapes, etc.
Hey bro get rid of that vape by next week we overheard some drill sergeants talk about a health and wellness sometime next week