Dan acted like a supportive boyfriend when he was helping Phil through his hair rebrand
Hatoful boyfriend is a dating simulator that lets you go out with pigeons.
Even tho it looks happy and goofy at first, it's actually well known for having dark stories hidden within it.
This game can be played on the PC or PS Vita.
Hey did you play Hatoful Boyfriend? Tohri is best birb.
The guy that a girl leads on, via Snapchat or even text, during COVID-19 just to get attention. She usually has multiple at once just for her own entertainment. Will most definitely ghost him once it is over.
Jessica- “Quarantine boyfriend #7 is already talking about taking me out for dinner after the stay-at-home order ends”
Ashley- “Little does he know you’ll never speak to him once it does end.. LOL”
An interim boyfriend is a man who becomes very close to a woman, but is not quite the dream boyfriend she has in mind. She may let her guard down and even begin to love you, but because of the dream man in her head, and the fact that you're not it, it just isn't going to happen. Be ready for a world of hurt when she finally finds her dream guy.
"After she met her dream man, I realized that I was only an interim boyfriend. I feel like a total tool for thinking this could go anywhere."
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A relationship status in which one performs all of the functions and roles of a boyfriend without any reciprocation of the emotional, romantic, spiritual, and physical intimacy that comes with a healthy relationship
John went to dinner with Jennifer's family
Are they going out?
No, he's just her sidedish boyfriend
What do you mean?
He's like an escort that doesn't get paid or get laid.
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1.)Gets high and/or drunk and flirts with other girls almost breaking up with their gfs
2.)Doesn't introduce himself to his gf's parents
3.)Say stuff like I love you boo boo kitty fuck instead of sweet things
4.)Is dumb to the extreme
"Wow kiwi has a dumb boyfriend"
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an extreme asshole who, after you break up with him for being a huge cry baby and control freak who plans your life together, decides to go out and get a random girlfriend then Instant Message you randomly about how him and his friend, who is also your friend, were talking shit about you behind your back! YAY!
ex boyfriend: yo, me and sara were listening to my ipod and came across a song that reminded us of you
girl: what song?
ex boyfriend: puke by eminem, its a good song you should download it.
*girl looks up lyrics to puke and cries*
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