Seeing the 19th century woodworking implements caused Ron Swanson to sport a semi in his trousers.
A LeBron supporter who disresgards understanding the basis and goal of sports.
Jacob is a Sports Liberal
The act of manipulating your genitalia to mimic a sport.
Shane made his balls fit into his asshole, he's really good at ground sports!
When a man's penis becomes small and very firm after playing sports and/or doing physical activity.
Bro I can't show it to you right now, I have sports cock
The art of going to fancy restaurants with outdoor patio areas, and competitively choosing the best seat for yourself and a group of others, taking into account aspects such as direction of the sun, best view, exact wind direction, and distance from servers to get fastest service.
The sport becomes competitive as the participant competes to stay drinking fine wine the longest, and people 40 years or older who compete have been known to engage in combat to secure a table.
Jacqui is out doing some patio sports downtown. Hopefully this time there won’t be as many casualties from her fighting for the perfect table.
an alternative (mostly European) name for the musical genre commonly known as Nu Metal, referring to the performers' affinity for athletic wear (hats, jerseys, etc.) and the music's prominence in sports video games and broadcasts.
(European accent) I'm getting really into sports metal. I just discovered this band called Limp Bizkit, have you heard of them?
A predominantly competitive (comparison or self-evaluative) activity within which the participant is subjected to natural or unusual physical demands. Moreover, an unsuccessful outcome is likely to result in the injury or fatality of the participant, in contrast to non-extreme sport. -Cohen, Baluch and Duffy
Base Jumping is an extreme sport which is very dangerous and risky though very exciting .