Ice cubes on a red hot stove will melt, and I'll bet ya
A drowning man bet his first words are help, and I'll bet ya
If you bet on a horse and the horse don't win, you lose, and I'll bet ya
If you try, to sit on air, you're gonna fall, and I'll bet ya
If you want a winning hand
If you want a perfect man
I’ll Bet You never lose with love
I'm gonna win, and I'll bet ya
Bet you never lose with love
I'm gonna win, and I'll bet ya
Take a car, without fuel, it ain't gonna move, and I'll bet ya
A carpenter can't build his house without any tools, and I'll bet ya
If your shoes are too small, they hurt your feet, and I'll bet ya
And you can't know what's goin' on, if you're asleep, oh I'll bet ya
If you want a winning hand
If you want a perfect man
I'll bet you never lose my love
You will win and I'll bet ya
Bet you never lose my love
You got to win, I bet ya
I'll bet you never lose my love
It actually means, i found a girl, but I'm ashamed to admit it.
i saw you with this girl yesterday, him yeah i lost the bet
I am fucking right your fucking wrong
This is gonna happen in my way bet
in a slang way, this usually means you are saying "yes" or "okay"
"We going to the mall this Sunday "
Basically means ok, sure, of course, or aight
Matt: We definitely have to hang out sometime.
Jack: Yeah, bet.
A truly meaningless comeback with absolutely no use at all and shouldn't be allowed to be used. Bet is a comeback only people at the age of adolescence. It's a bad comeback generally; you're only trying to make yourself look better.
Person 1: hey you stupid idiot
Person 2: fight me
Person 1: bet
Person 2: *beats the ever living shit outta them*
Overall, only losers will ever say bet, and almost everytime you beat somebody in a game, race, whatever it is, you may hear this work of modern art. Don't use this word. Ever.
"bet I'll win you later shithead"