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Bounce Pass

When you're handing the joint to your homey, and one of you drops it. The next person proceeds to retrieve it off the ground, and hit it. This is called a bounce pass, because the joint hit the ground before it was handed to the next person.

(John drops J on the ground). Phil: "Aw shit man, bounce pass!" (Phil picks up the joint and proceeds to indulge.)

by MCCoutu March 24, 2016

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Bounced up

To be locked in a padded cell in a clinical environment for the safety of one's own/others

'How's Ted?'
'he's been bounced up again for the safety of his own/others'

by HarleySlavedson November 1, 2017

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Toilet bounce

When stall after stall is flooded or stopped up and you keep entering and exiting until you find a stall you can comfortably take a dump in.

"Well if the janitors would do their damn job I wouldn't have to toilet bounce."

"I'm an avid toilet bouncer. If there's even toilet paper on the floor in the stall it's on to the next one."

by Stall Life for Days September 26, 2013

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bounce pig

the name u cant fucking give your spoink in pokemon xy

"Did you catch a spoink?" "Yeah man but i couldnt name it bounce pig im so fucking pissed"

by dudeman1372648i7 October 16, 2013

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bounce gang

Basically a group of everyone that doesnt fit in

Hey, do you wanna be a part of bounce gang?

No thanks, im already gay

by Guywithadew May 15, 2018

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Bundy bounce

When ejecting someone from a venue, to slam them into the wall adjacent to the door before flinging them outside, in the style of Al Bundy dismissing his daughter's boyfriends on "Married With Children".

"Crusher, that loudmouth in the orange shirt has been harassing every woman in the club. I've been more than patient. When you bounce his sorry ass, give him a Bundy bounce to make sure he doesn't come back tomorrow."

by SteveAsat January 15, 2012

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Zelensky bounce

When zelensky's acumen in terms of being a strong, competent and patriotic political leader actually rubs off on certain other us politicians, making the US politician stronger and more competent

Joe Biden is incapable of having a zelensky bounce.

by Sexydimma March 19, 2022

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