Chief Week is a nationally celebrated holiday from the dates of Dec. 26 - Dec. 31 where everyone smokes all day for the entire duration while wearing “Chief” Apparel
you taking part in Chief Week this year?
Smoking on some OG 93 octane in a hotbox.
Wyd...? Finna chief and keef.
A Chief Deputy is the head Of the Sheriffs Department, and they are a higher rank the the Chief of Police
The Chief game is a conversation game wherein you call a particular friend "chief" for as long as you can until they ask you why you are calling them "chief."
The game may present difficulty if you don't often use similar words like "dude," "man," "bro," etc.
How to play the chief game
John: Hey Nick, how's it going?
Nick: Not too bad chief, what's up with you?
John: Um, not a lot just gonna try to catch the Yankees game
Nick: Sweet, let me know how it is chief
(continued throughout as many possible conversations until...)
John: Why do you keep calling me CHIEF!
Nick: 3 months! NEW RECORD!!!
term used to describe the boss.
boys! look busy, chief dickhead's on his way!
Smoking a joint from the cherried end.
Oh my God, I can't believe Sean actually took a hit fire chief style. He's gonna die.
Pushing through a particularly tough situation, despite one's resolve being completely broken.
Similar to fording the "muddy leg" of the Bog Trail, as the Bog Chiefs of old once did.
Often paired with the phrase "raw dick."
"How the hell are we supposed to get through here? There's no way!"
"Bog Chiefing it, raw dick."
"You know what? Yeah, let's Bog Chief this shit."