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creeper drink

A drink that you can drink for hours, but you never feel drunk. However, in actuality you are drunk but you don't know it until you remember the next morning.

Duuude, last night I was kicking back the the mai tais all night and i didn't even feel buzzed. This morning however, I woke up with three midget strippers in my bed, so yea i was definitely drunk, and that was definitely a creeper drink.

by lexxistarr May 9, 2009

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Text Creeper

A person who continues to text you multiple times after you have not responded.

Mike: I was thinking about texting that girl from the party last weekend... Bob: I wouldn't, I hear she's a total text creeper.

by MrThaddeus March 26, 2009

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Discrete Creeper

A creeper which is more skilled than the average creeper and does not get caught on the creep.

"Amy, I swear, I was being a discrete creeper when I took a picture of that hot guy in the subway."

by Bomb sauce August 18, 2008

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Post Creeper

When a person spends alot of time reading other peoples posts on social media sites. A "Post Creeper" is typically a way for a person to know things about someone/other people they have never even met!

DrummerG: Hey man, dont leave posts about the weekends events on my Facebook page, my x girlfriend is a "post creeper"

by drummerg2 November 4, 2009

creeper's block

When you think about/see someone and you want to creep their profile (facebook ect) and by the time you get on you either forget who it was you were going to "creep" or forget their name making it impossible to find them.

Aw man what was that hot girls name again? I've got total creeper's block!

by TheWorstKindOfCreep April 24, 2011

Fart Creeper

a person that enjoys smelling other persons' flatulence, usually going unnoticed

i just ripped one and some fart creeper told me it was juicy

by cheeseburgereddie April 13, 2011

Casual Creeper

Just that usually violent creature that walks through your door and has a conversation occasionally

That casual creeper, he's everywhere

by GhostyCrouton September 11, 2020