Cyber extremism is resorting any measure of imposing predetermined ideology using any online platform, beyond the norms of existing common social way of life.
cyber terrorism in based upon cyber extremism
Cyber Squirt refers to female ejaculation method known as "squirt", but takes place virtually during the process of "esex".
Last night during esex I made her Cyber Squirt bro .
An attractive girl who runs multiple only fans' accounts, and unlisted amounts of sugar daddies.
Hey Eric, Let me introduce you to my friends, Jackie and her emasculated boyfriend Michael. Jackie is a cyber slut while Michael is a professional photographer.
A person who shows introvert personality in real life interactions, and extrovert personality in online interactions.
"After being judged as introverts, extroverts and ambiverts, the internet generation has recognized themselves as cyber-verts."
1. Office hours will be held in Adam's cyber crib, Wednesday 3-4 pm.
2. Out of an abundance of caution, our Passover family seder will once again be held virtually. I will send the link for my cyber crib a few days ahead of the holiday.
When too much info us uploaded onto a server that it has to put some in a queue in order to relieve strain on the server.
Maybe i didn't get your text because i'm just so popular that i have like 50 messages waiting to get into my phone that they get into a cyber jam.
A form of racism that people show on the internet.
Person A: He liked me online, but when he saw my picture and found I was black, he cut all ties with me.
Person B: That's cyber-racism right there!