A sad lonely girl that no one likes but it’s okay cause she cries herself to sleep every night and wants to die.
Girl 1:that girls weird
Girl 2:yeah I think her names Emma
Girl 1: Emma’s crying again
Girl 2: again?! She was just crying a couple minutes ago
a toxic, rude, and careless girl who is easily mind controlled by siblings and adults. she will break your heart man don’t date an emma.
i miss the non toxic emma, man:(
Emma is the kind of girl you want to hold on to. Her big brown eyes can always turn you day around. One look at her smile and you know she's amazing. She's a great dancer and a huge perfectionist. She does her best in anything she puts her mind to. When looking for a boyfriend she wants him to be kind, smart, caring, and cute. Family is important to her and will most of the time come first. Emma always wants to do her best and make everyone happy. She is a great friend and an even better girlfriend. Don't break her heart because her friends will break your face. Emma pleases everyone and is very caring, kind, smart, cute, and strong. Emma is amazing and a true crowd pleaser.
Friend 1- I really like Emma. She seems kind and is really cute.
Friend 2- I really like her two. She's beautiful.
Friend 3- Just wait to see if she has a boyfriend. If she does you have no chance. She's very committed to her boyfriend.
Emma is pigeon who loves the movie suicide squad and hates anyone else called Emma. If she sees someone else called Emma she will kill them . The killing is justified and Emma( the one who did the killing) will serve no prison time.
Emma, the jury has decided you are not guilty of killing Emma
Emma can be slightly awkward but she will always be by yourside, she’s a heavy smoker but you would never know. Emma will be the bestest friend you could ever have.
what’s your bestfriends name? Emma
Emma’s are super athletic. They belong with their best (guy) friend. Emma’s are playfully mean but care about what is said about them. Emma’s are the best thing in the world. If you have an Emma, don’t lose her. You are the luckiest person in the world.
Guy 1: Dude Emma’s hot
Guy 2: yeah, but I don’t like her. She’s just a homie.
-secretly likes Emma-