The term “Cereal Friday” is a custom in which friends/peers gather in a lunchroom or cafeteria to consume cereal on any given Friday. While Cereal Fridays usually occur weekly, they can also be random and skip weeks.
Person 1: Shit man it’s Cereal Friday!
Person 2: Hell yeah, my bus leaves in 5 minutes so I’m gonna fucking DOWN this cereal.
Alternate Example-
Person 1: Yo it’s Cereal Friday and I don’t have enough money for milk, could you get me one?
Person 2: Sorry I can’t, but you can have the milk that’s left after this bowl when I’m finished.
The act of doing something so horrible, monstrous, and generally bad, that you are doomed to stub your toe and whenever it heals, stub it again.
Jon: I just poured milk before cereal, then put ice cubes in it.
John: you monster. I hereby doom you to stub your toe-
Jon: That's not so bad.
John:-And whenever it heals, immediately stub it again.
When you freeze dry your placenta and add it to cereal
I was feeling pretty hungover after NYE so i had some of my wife's fetus cereal and i was back to my old self by noon
Tiimmy: My mom got hit by a flying magic ice cream truck with 26 legs and a robo reptar cereal box arm!!
Jimbo: are you Fer-cereal?!?!?!?!!!?
When you give someone a titty twister and have them name 5 name-brand cereals before you let go. Every time they name an off-brand cereal, you twist 45 degrees and they have to start over.
Friend 1: I gave Eric the five cereals today for acting like an idiot.
Friend 2: ouch. He probably deserved it though.
A breakfast cereal manufactured by Kellogg's. The cereal was discontinued in 2012.
Eggo Cereal consists of maple syrup, cinnamon toast, and flavoured corn cereal pieces in a waffle shape, just like Eggo waffles
The part of dry cereal that ends up in the box rather than the inner bag due to slipshod pouring of said cereal.
This Fruit Loops box has some serious cereal backwash issues!