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Slang term that can be used for hot dog, duck, or glock.

Person 1: “Ayo man can I finish your glizzy?”
Person 2: “Eww no I’m not gay.”
Person 1: “No, I meant your hot dog. You aren’t eating it, right?”
Person 2: “We never got hotdogs. You can finish my sub though.”

by Hecc6 March 10, 2021


in ancient times the glizzy was the first form of hot dog but now it is known as a cock. Synonyms to glizzy are sausage, hes packing, or loud moan

OH my god Stephanie do not call me a whore i prefer the term glizzy gladiator.

by jesusisdeadandgodisagummybear April 13, 2022


hot dog. it means hot dog.

mmm i love eating glizzy

by glizzy enjoyer May 5, 2022


Hot dog, or a male genitalia

I want to eat your Glizzy

by Glizzy king 699 May 9, 2022


another word for penis

Yo bro! you slurped that glizzy last night!

by mama385 January 9, 2024


The meaning of glizzy is hotdog/wennie or as many of you know a penis.

omg you have such a small glizzy

by samantha._. January 7, 2021


a long cylinder that has a hole or clog on the end popularized in 2019-2021 (a hotdog)

Daddy can i have your glizzy, please?

by hotgayemo September 5, 2022