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Nut Goggled

Placing one's scrotum on another person's nose from above, so that each ball goes to one side, thus creating the look of goggles.

I totally nut goggled this chick last night.

by Laydown February 17, 2016

Concert Goggles

When you go to a concert and the guy (or girl) on stage seems really hot, but when you google search them later they turn out to be average. Usually caused by being so drunk or into the music that you aren't seeing straight.

Abby screamed during the concert that she wanted the lead singer to be inside her, but when she looked him up the next morning she realized it was just concert goggles and that he was balding and had bad skin.

by yerduae February 1, 2015


Much the same as beer goggles, though no alcohol is required; i.e the man's schlong makes a terrible, terrible decision about a girl best left alone. The brain is hardly involved, if at all.

This may occur after many months of sexual frustration, or simply if he is a slag.

verb; to schlong-goggle

"jesus tom, what were you thinking?"
"i don't know man, i definitely had my schlong-goggles on"

"however hard tom tried, he simply could not remove the schlong-goggles from his eyes"

by rural_dictionater January 12, 2010


(from Steampunk motif of brass goggles)

- Late adopter of a scene who commonly gets credit for exemplying it through the use of a single, high-concept visual symbol, ie, brass goggles, anatomical corsets.
Characterized by simultaneous need to be identified with, and deep resentment of, the innovators of the trend they emulate. Self-image dependent on imaginary placement in percieved hierarchy of originality.
Often deliberately and defensively ignorant about true roots of their chosen aesthetic scene; more often just unaware.

Not to be confused with Babelfish Travelers.

Predessors include Drugstore Cowboy, Parking-Lot DeadHead and "Camp" Follower.

"Man, I haven't seen so many skeleton corsets since my sister's sorority went to the '07 Decembrist's show. Goggle-polishers for days.

by Charisma Resistant September 8, 2008

Accent goggles

A condition of finding a person more attractive than they really are, only because they have an accent foreign from yours.

"That German chick I hooked up with last night was super hot!"
"Bro...she looked like David Hasselhoff with tits. You must have had you're accent goggles on"

by The 425 J-train May 23, 2013

rusty goggles

When you're face fucking a girl, and before you cum, you fart on her nose in the hopes of giving her double pink eye

Hey man what'd you do last night
Aw dude I gave this girl the rusty goggles

by StayRustyMyFriends April 29, 2016

OHL Goggles

The phrase in which Ontario Hockey League players that are unattractive are actually attractive simply because they are in the OHL.

*Two girls watching an OHL game*
"Is #72 attractive or not?"
"I cant tell, I've got my OHL Goggles on."

by puckslut January 25, 2015