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Gooch Governor

One who has a fetish for Gooch's.

My girlfriend the gooch Governor likes to lick on my gooch during fellatio for hours.

by Madmike68 November 16, 2020

gooch zit

a purple coloured zit located on the space between your ballsack and asshole aka your gooch.

damn mitchy, your gooch zit is lookin a little infected. maybe you should get it checked out?

by sexybella555 January 22, 2019


When the hair in the gooch region is long and unkempt to the point that it becomes unsightly.

The woman declined to give her partner a rim job due to them having a huge gooch-squatch.

by The School of Codyism July 13, 2021

Gooche letting

The act of cutting your gooche open and letting the blood run into your blood hole.

"yeah, the other night I got bored, so I decided a little gooche letting was in order."

by Bud is good June 1, 2009

Gooch Grime

Also known as Swamp Ass. When the area between your anus and testicles get sweaty, the sweat you get is now Gooch Grime.

Friend 1: "Bro, I was playing MW2 so long, I started getting gooch grime"

Friend 2: "Man, that's fucking nasty!"

by ASillyLittleGoober March 13, 2023

doing a gooch

meaning to tell a lie or stage a hoax, which you then believe yourself and to then panic when you realise the jokes gone too far

doing a gooch - "im going to be on britains got talent"

by VirtigoX May 23, 2010

Gooch Drippings

When the moisture in your downstairs area soaks through your clothing and creates literal drip from your arsehole and gooch. Evident among the khaki wearers. Unseeable for those who wear black bottoms.

After a long hot day (insert recreational activity).....
Jared “bro it looks like there’s a puddle where your ass is supposed to be. Wtf happened?”
Earl “o ya must be the inevitable gooch drippings I get when it’s above 85 degrees. Can I still get a ride home broham”
Jared “ naw bro don’t want your ass juice to soak into my seats. Maybe another time

by DthePenetratorShogun May 9, 2021