Source Code

Government grill

A silver teeth having ass kid. Most likely got sticky fingers, a dirty pull-up and lice. The government paid for his bottle rot teeth and capped em with a silver grill.

Damn did you see that kids government grill?!

by R707 June 12, 2020

Government GangGang

Cosplay wannabe gangland poser “human” gang members who are using government resources to live action role-play (LARP) “gangsterville” in real life (IRL) - consequently, the essence of an oxymoron; hence, the “government gang” loyal only to government aka snitch-sets

Third-Eye Inspector Eye Gadget:
“YOOO BIGG *cough* (NSA/FBI/CIA) *cough* triple OG Mac Grandaddy grab the govt money/weapons cuz we about to hit the streets and ‘play GOVERNMENT GangGang!’”

Street King of Food Stamps:
“Let’s witness the street gospels about street jesus with these gats and govt black hats no cap!”

by RunnerUpp February 20, 2024

Shadow government

Oh boy I wonder who THAT could possibly be!? Oh! Wait! The church! The religious institutions!

A retard "But I'm religious! The church can't be a shadow government!"

Hym "So... They aren't an unelected body that influences politicians and billionaires and millionaires and every other kind of 'aire' to shape public policy and perception to control the behavior of the people in out country? It's not direct and/or indirect control of people's moral framework, is it? Like, you don't have millions of people who have ceded (entirely) their personal morality and their own claim to shape the moral landscape to an overarching body of authority and they're not going to act in accordance with that authority, indefinitely, are they? Because that SOUNDS like a shadow government to me!"

A different retard "It's not the religion! It's the nationalism and fundamentalism (taking the religion literally, like, actually believing the shit makes it "fundamentalism" and is, therefore, the bad kind of religion)!"

Hym "And what's difference nationalism and religion? You're either on the side of God or you're not. ("I mEaNt ThE cOuNtRy!" She interjects) It's a 'religious country.' The religion IS the country. What's the difference between the fundamentalism and religion? You're either doing what the religion or you're not! What would religious on-fundamentalism look like? It's religion but instead of doing what's in the religion they just do something else... THAT'S religious non-fundamentalism. It doesn't even make sense."

by Hym Iam March 16, 2024


A sick and twisted group of people that make School mandatory and removed Lolis

My opinions:


It’s not that lolicon should be legal it’s that it HAS to be legal. The government (or whoever is behind banning Lolis) ruined the best part of hentai. Hentai is nothing without lolis. My reason givin is that yes child pornography should be illegal but lolis are different. Lolis are animated characters and not real people. Lolis didn’t do ANYTHING wrong. Lolis don’t deserve the torture that the fucking government gives them.


A bad place where you get punished for existing.

by EpicGamer2272 September 20, 2021


A trash system set to brainwash its people and make it believe that global warming doesn't exist.

The government sucks.

by yellowfoureyes November 13, 2017


A fascist organisation set up to control and oppress you.

Fuck the government

by Da_Milo_Bob April 27, 2019


A system which we the people have socially accepted to take our well earned money and spend it on politicians or in other words a waste of your time

You: Hey Fred how’s it hanging?

Fred: Not well the Government took half my paycheck

by Libertarian113 May 6, 2020