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Irish salute

The first punch thrown after consuming large quantities of Irish whiskey.

Feeling she'd had enough, Dave tried to convince Abby to give up her handle of Jameson; she let him know how she felt with an Irish salute.

by DPaddCA November 25, 2015

11πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


An individual born in America who is Irish on both sides for every generation back to the last family member born in Ireland.

I find it offensive that some of the "Irish - I was born here" are so hostile to Irish-Americans.

My family - whose names are Hughes, Rooney, Mullin, O'Brien, Daugherty, McMannus, among others - all left County Monaghan, Ireland in April of 1847 when they were put off the land by and English landowner and told to take the offered passage and go to British North America (Canada) or go to the poorhouse and starve with the other million people who died.

It's not like they left Ireland by choice. They were forced out, those who were able to stay in Ireland and keep body and soul together through the An Gorta Mor, who maybe had a decent landlord or owned a little land of their own - should be grateful to God that they didn't have to suffer the passage on the coffin ship my family came to Canada on.

I am the 4th generation not born in Ireland, but I am probably a lot more Irish than some born there. No English blood flows through my viens. I don't tell people I am Irish, I tell them I am American of Irish ancestry.

Irish born outside Ireland to Irish parents - Irish-American

by Sadhbh Sinead March 20, 2009

45πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž

irish guards

not irish at all,its a regiment of the british army made up mostly of protestants from the north of ireland and english/scots/welsh. they are offensive and nothing to do with ireland see irish rangers every st paddys day they march before their beloved fuckin queen of england with their regimental mascot a wolfhound and recieve shamrocks from their queen!.

irish guards bastards aint irish at all.

by da origanal playa June 4, 2006

42πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž

Irish Goodbye

The act of leaving a social gathering suddenly, and without any word of goodbye to the other attendees.

"Where did you go last night? Last I saw you were at the bar, doing tequila shots!"
"Yeah man, it all got a bit too real, so I pulled an Irish Goodbye, grabbed a taxi home and fell asleep on the toilet"

by Orangutani January 17, 2021

100πŸ‘ 1108πŸ‘Ž

irish curse

The Irish Curse refers to how Irish men usually have small penises. Variations can also include drunkenness or large testes.

Unfortunately, I am a victim of the Irish Curse. My penis is only a little over four inches.

by Jeremy July 26, 2004

1359πŸ‘ 3079πŸ‘Ž

Irish Twins

The roots of the idea behind the term are actually quite old, although no one knows when, exactly, people first began to talk about Irish twins. In both England and the United States, a massive influx of Irish immigration in the 1800s led to a negative connotation with Irish people and society. This often happens when a large immigrant group begins to settle in mass numbers in a new country. The Irish were accused of being backwards and uncultured, and it was assumed that they were uneducated, dirty, and a general pox on society. As a result, the use of the word β€œIrish” began to be pejorative.

A number of derogatory terms incorporating stereotypes about the Irish began to emerge, including β€œIrish confetti” for thrown bricks and β€œIrish kiss” for a slap. Irish twins fits into this vernacular, and is actually insulting on multiple levels.

Firstly, the term pokes fun at the stereotypical fertility of Irish Catholic families, which traditionally do not use birth control. In addition, it implies that the Irish lack the ability to plan ahead or control themselves, having children in quick succession rather than responsibly spacing them. Finally, it suggests that the Irish do not understand the medical definition of twins, which involves two children conceived and born together.


guy#2yea"Irish Twins"...

guy#1 huh?

guy#2 theywereborninthesameyear..thereirish

by luckyLETTE May 13, 2010

794πŸ‘ 1794πŸ‘Ž

Irish Sexit

Leaving a social gathering without anyone noticing in order to go have sexual relations.

HOST: β€œWhere did CC go?”
GUEST: β€œCC made an Irish Sexit to go bang her Tinder match.”

by seemenrun November 13, 2021

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž