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isabelle and lewis

The best couple you could ever have. Perfect for each other in so many ways, its unbeleivable. The only way you could screw this couple up, is if one of them went behind the others back and does one stupid little mistake, that could ruin their love. Dont be the isabelle and lewis to screw up your relationship, even if its only a 'thing'. You'll realize you lost the most important thing you ever had, and all your love will be gone, only left with an empty broken heart full of your mistakes.

Tye:isabelle and lewis are so great together!

Alice:yeah, but I heard Isabelle kissed another guy

Tye:I bet shes heartbroken, he didnt deserve that.

Alice:I know, I bet she regrets it times a million!

by izzyslizz September 4, 2011

Isabel Sanchez

A girl who is more famous then all her siblings combined. Every guy in the world is attracted to her and she is very talented especially in lacrosse and is very likely to end up living in hollywood while her siblings are stuck in minnesota

isabel sanchez is soooo hot

by sofiaaaaaaaaaa October 25, 2019

isabel r

A person with a hot af brother who has back problems and looks like a sloth

i wish i was an isabel r( A person with a hot af brother who has back problems and looks like a sloth) but im glad im a farimah

by spam(( November 22, 2021


a blonde girl who loves snuff

She is nice but her name is Isabell

by John Luwis April 28, 2020


She is in love with a boy name Alexander

Hey I like Alexander said Isabell

by badputas December 4, 2021


zomg admen very sexist like frfr ongod

isabell is 5’1

by realale July 16, 2022


An amazing person overall she is very sexy and honestly amazing you are lucky to know her 😈

Isabell is so sexy

by Isabell 🥺🥺😒 May 21, 2021