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anna lane

a blonde girl who's parents decided "anna" was too basic of a name so they decided to be extra and add a "lane" to the end just to "make things different". she's very relatable but can be very annoying as well and sometimes will not agree with anything you say. defends her "daddies" with an outrageous amount of effort and will "cash you ousside, how bout dah" if you disrespect any of them. known to fail all of her EOG's especially math, because lets face it, she's blonde, and we all know the dumb blonde saying. it might not apply to some people but it certainly applies to her.

look it's anna lane with her 5 baby daddies!

by WEARELIT August 17, 2017

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Bentley Lane

A road in Leeds where the sexiest, funniest, bestest people live. Anyone found to be inhabiting on this road is automatically a legend. Blates.

Person 1: "Shall we go to Headingley where all the cool people live?"

Person 2: "No, you goon Bentley Lane in Meanwood is blates way cooler!"

Person 3: "Totes lets go there!"

by SexyLeedsGirlBlates May 28, 2010

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lane splitting

Engaging in sexual intercourse with a woman who suffers from a fistula.

I only date chicks from third-world countries with sub-standard medical care because I can't even get it up unless I'm lane splitting.

by worst_thing_ive_done_today June 25, 2009

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Fox lane

A school where kids are themselves and are diverse in many ways.

I love Fox Lane more than any other school

by Awesometruths76 February 12, 2018

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Fox lane

A diverse school district with many kids who feel it’s ok to be themeselves. While it’s a public school it’s worth it to attend at Fox lane. There are sweet and inclusive friend groups throughout the school’s many grades along with amazing and caring teachers.

Person one: I love fox lane, I wish you would go there too!
Person two: I know me too, I hate John Jay! I can’t believe my parents think that school is any better!

by Awesometruths76 March 27, 2018

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Lois Laned

One who retaliates to getting "supermaned" by scrubbing one's asshole with his toothbrush.

Girl 1 : I heard you got supermaned

Girl 2 : yeah I scrubbed muh aney with his white rod....I lois laned that bro!!!

by i740solid August 30, 2009

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Sausage Lane

1. A place,(Lane)to insert your Sausage.
2. A bun, for a Sausage.
3. A vagina, for a Sausage.
4. A vagina, for a Penis. NOT Anus,
for a Penis, that's Hershey Highway.
5. A Street, (Lane) named Sausage,
Sausage Lane
6. A Lady or Gentleman named:
Lane Sausage; in reverse.
7. A Fictitious Bowling Alley.
8. A Lane that Sausages travel down.

1. Me: "Put them in Sausage Lane."

You: "What's that?"

Me: "The refrigerator, and the Cupboard
for the smoked ones."

2. "I need a 'Sausage Lane' for my Hot

3. Sister Mother Mary was caught with a
Sausage in Sausage Lane.

4. "Aw man, I needs ta gets me some
Sausage Lane real bad!

5. "...then turn right on Sausage Lane
and go about 1/4 mile..."

6. "Sausage, Private Sausage, Lane."

7. "...so come on down to 'Sausage Lane'
bowl a few frames, and get a bite to
eat this Friday night."

8. "...after the sausages are injected into casing they travel down, what we call 'Sausage Lane'."

by Hauling Handyman October 28, 2008

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