Source Code

liquid cocaine

When u get a blow job from a girl and right before ejaculation, pull out and nut up her nose ..

my bitch got a bad case of the drip after i gave her liquid cocaine ownd

by secks September 22, 2003

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liquid scat

The hip new craze that all the kids ar going mad for. Involves taking a whole packet of laxitives to get liquid scat more like thick chocolate milkshake, for sexual activities.

I've had a whole packet of laxitives, I hope I can hold the liquid scat in until I get to Scatsta, then the fun will begin!!!

by BCOT June 30, 2008

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liquid liver

The form of person's liver after years of excessive alcohol abuse such as binge drinking, social drinking, gettin' crunk, getting shitfaced. The victim of liquid liver will need a liver transplant in order to continue his/her life of intoxicated behavior.

Ryan T. drinks so much he'll prolly die of liquid liver.

R. Thomas is such as drunken bastard that he got a liquid liver at the age of 25.

by da_tdot_terrorist May 31, 2005

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liquid poo

This is just like explosive diarea but this name sounds cooler.

what the fuck did you do to the toilet jim?! I had liquid poo!!! GOD have mercy on the next person to use the toilet.

by devon smith April 23, 2004

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Liquid Bubbles

Another term for "beer".

Daughter: Hey dad, do you have any liquid bubbles?
Father: Yes, its called beer and you can't have any.

by The LA hero January 27, 2009

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Liquid Human


I put liquid Human in her vagina

by Idrinkmyowncum February 10, 2022

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Liquid contacts

Blowing a load in a girls eye so it makes her eye lashes stick together.

"Wow I gave that girl liquid contacts, and now she can't see.

by Englewood August 3, 2006

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