Source Code

Majima Mind

A heightened sense of being

That guys got majima mind

by C00LG8Y July 10, 2021

moth mind

having the mind of a young sapphic girl

glenn has never been able to please men, for she has a moth mind.

by LGBT-Definitions January 18, 2023

Warrior Mind

Crystal clear focus of mind through matter that allows the absolute full physical expression of your deepest imagination

She is always at her best flying above the class she leads because of her warrior mind

by beemo January 4, 2012

Ascended Mind

When your so high you have gone to another level, beyond clouds and even life itself. Your just above everyone looking down at life.

Guy 1: Have you notice that the sun follows us where ever we go?
Guy 2: Dude you have an ascended mind and you need to write a book on life and shit.
Guy 1: Woooooooooooooooooooord.

by NYGizzle In Ur Mizzle April 21, 2011


a. 1. Having a disposition or temper habitually sober.

b. 2. self-controlled

rational; sensible.

However many sober-minded scientists felt that this criticism was irrelevant.

A person who is studious and logical is an example of someone who would be described as sober-minded.

by Jcatralina June 11, 2012

Midas Mind

Dope as fuck New Zealand rapper.

Dude put's on for Glen Eden, a suburb on the west side of Auckland known for high crime, drug use and poverty.

The self confessed Westie Hippie Hybrid has a gun rapping style a little like Hopsin and the dude gives off a sense of enlightenment in his lyrical content

J Rad - Brah have u heard Midas Minds new single Pictionary

Sead 1 - Yeah brah fuckin mad aye lad

by TNP1990 August 29, 2022

A Mind Beating

The moment at which someone does something that is so obvious, and immediately denies it, when you KNOW they did it. Your mind immdiately is intensely frustrated, here causing you to have a "mind beating"

Johnny: "God, you're such a bitch sometimes."

Anna: "WTF, how am I a bitch?"

Johnny: "Uhh I didn't call you one?"

Anna: "WHAT THE HELL, yes you did!"

Johnny: "You're a fucking lunatic."

^ Anna is having a Mind Beating

by Anna! =) November 27, 2009