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A Russian moron. Someone who disregards other people and rules in general.

Mitch: Why you tryin to cut the line?
Sasha: Vat do you mean? Me was here.
Mitch: No you weren't....you moron-itchka.
Sasha: Why you say dis?
Mitch: Because you're a dumb Russian with no respect.

by Martita Papita July 7, 2010

Reality/game show moron

Someone traumatized by anything anybody says that isnt nice to the point they try and tell people not to use certain language.

Fuck a politically correct reality/game show moron.

by Solid Mantis August 9, 2020

Reality/game show moron

Someone traumatized by anything anybody says that isnt nice to the point they try and tell people not to use certain language.

Fuck a reality/game show moron.

by Solid Mantis August 9, 2020

Reality/game show moron

Someone who's been on mindless reality TV long enough they try and turn other people into mindless people. Someone who starts to think everything in life is a test, a game, or an obstacle to overcome, since that is what they do on TV.

The reality/game show moron thought if someone brought up the subject of sex, instead of death, taxes, or sports, that the person was testing people. So to some people it's okay to talk about death, even gruesome deaths, car accidents, fires, but people should feel weird about talking about sex, or they should feel like they're on a stupid fuckin reality show where you have to laugh at everything everybody says otherwise you feel like an awkward moron.

by Solid Mantis August 9, 2020

2013 moron

When mentally ill dodos never change for more than 7 years, they start to become the worst thing a millennial, Teen or even a Boomer, could ever think of: A 2013 moron.


A hippie-like person who still is 7+ years behind the human race. He/She does old trends, has a negative number for his/her IQ, wears tacky clothes, uses old things, Behaves like a moron from 2013, and overall, is everyone's worst pain in the neck.

Those dang 2013 morons, still wearing a tacky tiara on their heads...

by Just a person who hates idiots May 31, 2021

Mis-Directional Moron

A person that gives you the wrong address to a location and you go way off course. The person has no consideration for the fact that you are going to need map purchases at a local gas station to figure out where the hell you should be.

Hey, did you make it to the location with the address I gave you.

No you fucking Mis-Directional Moron, you gave me the wrong address and GPS took me 50 miles off course. I didn't even have phone service in the location you gave me, so I had to buy a Rand McNally map set just to get my fucking bearings.

by TinyDefs February 7, 2023


An allergy to morons.

The term was first used by Judge Rinder on his TV show, Judge Rinder and is said in a sarcastic manner.

"Oh god, pass me a tissue, I think I've got moronitis."

by Hollowed Thoughts August 17, 2020