Adjective. Formal wear worn by a woman who is looking to conceal her naked body by wearing only a sport coat, while laying in bed waiting for her partner to join. A Sex Mullet is like a mullet haircut, business on the top, party on the bottom. Could be considered a form of lingerie in business districts or political settings.
I new I was in for a good time when I found my wife wearing a Sex Mullet.
I haven’t been to the gym all week, so I’ll just wear my sexiest Sex Mullet
Found a great sports coat today. It’ll make a great Sex Mullet
When you pat the vaginal mound in a business like fashion while simultaneously performing enthusiastic analingus.
We were doing the rusty mullet, you know, business in the front, party in the rear.
Similar to the NHL Playoff Beard, but Patrick Kane of the Chicago Blackhawks recreated the tradition into a Playoff Mullet.
Business in the front, party in the back.
Patrick Kane is too cool for a Playoff Beard, so he grew a Playoff Mullet and won the Stanley Cup.
When the mesh on your lacrosse stick's head is unreasonably long and hangs off of the bottom of your head. You know it when you see it, and just wish you had some scissors to trim it yourself.
Jake- "Did you see that kids mesh mullet?"
Brandon- "Yeah that shit needs a trim."
The actual term for a scene or emo girl haircut.
Vanna Venom has a teased, and stylized fashion mullet.
Mullet style haircut gained mostly by not getting a haircut for four to five months while attempting to grow surfer style longer men's hair. Usually attained by a redneck with semi-male pattern baldness and worn to NASCAR events, under a trucker hat .
Paired well with neon sunglasses on a neckstrap.
Jacksonville Mullet = Jacksonville equivalent of Hawaii surfer hair.
That dude hasn't gotten a haircut for all of COVID. Hes got a total Jacksonville mullet.