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Purposeful spacing from myspace.

Luckily myspacer intervened with my fequent myspace patronage.

by Hercolena Oliver August 28, 2008

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a place to add people you barely know or people who live all around the world. all though you in fact do not know any of these emo/scene kids you add them to gain your friend count, and make pointless comments to each other. myspace users can't wait to go home and check their myspace even if they know nothing new is on there, and although everyone knows myspace is stupid people can't help but be signed on to it 23 hours of the day and even leave it on when they are out doing things. in fact these days people can't resist the urge to go on myspace so they immediately sign on to it on their phone after leaving their house computer and getting in the car. many people add random kids they have never seen in life with stupid slutty myspace photos just to gain photo comments and to have a lame conversation once with them consisting of the usual "hey whats up", "oh not much", "thats good".

people have used myspace to replace an actual life with a virtual world that makes themselves feel better about who they are but in fact no one really cares about them: seeing that no one knows who they are in real life.

myspace allows for unsocial pathetic people with 0 friends in real life be able to create a network of fake internet "friends" that they say will hang out with each other in real life yet never do in fact. many of these myspace whores will have stupid names like "ellen extasie" or "dean dominated". these names usually are alliterations and these myspace whores use them to entice other users. yet they are just stupid weak pathetic names that were created in four hours of waisted thinking.
many young high school students get addicted to this site and use it as a way of entertainment.

"hey jean what did you do yesterday night"

"oh you know the usual i was on myspace for a few hoursfive hours adding random people and making pointless conversations"

"yay same with me!"

by tom massacre July 17, 2008

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The cesspool of the Internet. Also features multitudes of individuals who apparently cannot lower their arms from above their heads and must therefore take pictures from awkward angles.

"My turd has a MySpace too."

by Cy's Biggest Fan November 24, 2006

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Alright people, let's stop giving childish definitions just because you all don't like it.

Myspace is a social networking site created by Tom Anderson in 2003. Its an easy way to keep in touch with friends you may not see often, get your musical group an audience, or to post a bulletin to update your friends on an event you may have planned.

Guy 1: Hey, did you hear about Jon's wedding?
Guy 2: Yeah, saw it in his myspace bulletin. He's having it on the 18th.

Hater 1: Myspace is for fags.
Hater 2: Yeah, only teenage sluts, emos, and teenyboppers use Myspace.

by Glacius147 January 8, 2010

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It's so lame, yet so cool.

Captain Emo: Hey did you see my new Myspace picure?
Artsy Fartsy: No i didn't, what is it?
Captain Emo: It's really cool. My hair is in my eyes, my arm is outstretched holding the camera, and I look really sad.

by Chazeene13 November 7, 2005

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Cause pedophiles didn't have it easy enough they now need a website that gives away location, interests and PICTURES!!

yeah that girl i met on myspace with a wicked nice rack, well she wasn't a girl

by the sac atak December 11, 2005

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V. The act of using myspace.com to communicate with any of its features including comments, image comments, and messages.

Hey dog, myspace me later and I'll send you that funny squirrel link.

by Danny Vega August 4, 2007

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