Used by Christians to try and tell poeple not to have sex, get drunk, and do drugs. Seldom works but there is progress they believe. Some people are no long doing drugs and having sex at the same time....sometimes.
Christain-gotta have morals and standards guys, abstinence is good for you.
Non-Christian. Absta-what.
Christain-No sex before marriage
Non-Christian - seems like a long time, are morals and standards really that important?
Christian- yes, but its your descion
1.) A person on social media ( usually female) who takes out their anger on the opposite sex by posting the usual "tiny dick" or "men are trash" memes but is the first person in line to call you trash if you do anything remotely close.
2.) A "feminist icon" who spends all day on Facebook, Twitter, Etc, accusing men of sexual objectification and yet she's seen both Magic Mike films on numerous occasions and frequents the local male strip club on a regular basis.
God damn you're such a hypocrite. You spend all day talking about "men being trash" when you were sleeping with a married man. You are the worst kind of double standard Debbie.
So common and ordinary normal that you assume there must be some international standard that specifies the thing.
ISO Standard basic bitch, complete with Uggs and Frappuccino.
a unit of measurement the nobody in the OSS understands except me
that would be worth 1 standard
what the fuck is a standard?!
The highly effective strategy in CS:GO wingman on lake, in which both CT players hold the site by camping upstairs and looking down onto the site.
Right. Only way to win this game is to do the old standard proceege.
Wow my modren met... Only one of those is unrealistic.
Hym "So, I took a peak at this article by 'my modern met' and it's called 'A.I. generates the perfect people and something something unrealistic beauty standards,' right? And the pictures they show is 1. A regular looking attractive Hispanic woman (Who is as a matter of fact NOT more attractive than Salma Hayek) and 2. The most shredded guy that could ever possibly exist. 0% body fat. So much muscle that you couldn't actually fit thay much muscle on a man with out him being larger. Obviously had a 12 pack. More shredded than a comic book character. Even the male fantasy of fitness pales in comparison to the A.I. generated man. I mean, you can't see the fat bulge in his artificially generated trousers but you know it's there. So, according to A.I. Salma Hayek is beyond perfect and the perfect man is a 9 foot tall Arnold Schwarzenegger who got hit with a shrink ray. You can't have that much muscle and be that small but BOTH of those are somehow unrealistic. It's unrealistic for a woman to be less attractive than Salma Hayek. It's wild. Look it up."
for bots that are bad at maths and do kindergarten equations 1 + 1 = 2. when you go into the vegetable aisle, you usually can find standard maths students
"why is your dick 14 kilometres? do you do standard maths?"
"yeah i do"