Source Code

Group Work

A failed ritual in which you do a project with 2 or more people. Usually only one person will actually do the work while the groupmates dick around the whole time.

Ms Lawrance "Alright class this project will be group work, find your partners."

Cash talking to Doug "Yo get some nerdy kids over here so we can fuck around the whole period."

by A Human Male November 3, 2020

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When a hoe is doing her hoe work.

Amanda sucked Joshua's dick that's treesh work.

by Sappy14 November 21, 2018

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work whore

1.An employee who is mistaken by a work pimp,or "boss", for someone with no life or obligation outside the office.

"The continuing unfair demands of her work pimp caused Monique to find another job, as she was nobody's work whore."
boss pimp work employee unfair

by skyhag August 5, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

yard work

Slang for smoking marijuana; "pulling weed"

Boy#1: Hey, let's go do some yard work.
Boy#2: Sure, I'm down.
Father: I'm so proud I raised responsible children.

by Durago23 December 28, 2011

36๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

microsoft works

A tawdry software program, usually bundled free by lower-end computer manufacturers, in an effort to keep their PC hardware prices low. Microsoft Works has become a byword for format incompatibilities and system crashes.

"Tarquin, I am sorry you can't do the MS Word homework that your teacher set you for school, but daddy went for the cheap option, hence you will have make do with this godawful Microsoft Works program. I am so sorry."

by Jason the monkey October 22, 2007

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dirty work

dishonest, unethical, or criminal acts

He always sends his henchmen to do his dirty work rather than doing it himself.

by Light Joker December 1, 2005

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Working Class

The working class are people that have to work jobs that are either monotonous and demeaning or dangerouns and dirty. Many of them work with little payment or high job insecurity in assembly lines and on highways, but some make more money than their upper-middle class white collar bretheren. I've met some people that are blue collar, yet live in a large house next to doctors and businessmen in a subdivision, retired at 50, and drive new cars. Many of them have a similar standard of living to the middle class and after years of work (depending on career), get above-median incomes, meaning that with two income-earners could have six-figure incomes. Unfortunately, that is only a small percentage. A lot of them loose their jobs, homes, and end up in poverty.

The working class are the muscle of america.

by Jag140 October 17, 2011

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