When people see you got your shit together they always want to hold you to a higher standard. Like when a female been fucking with niggas for a bag of weed but when you come along she need dinner ,a movie and a bill paid.
Yo remember that bitch Candace niggas was smashing for a Springfield soda and a bag of Cheetos..? Yo why she try to give me the $100 burger
The fancy version of Mary Jane's number.
"Type ln(69)*(100-0.666) in your calculator"
"Dude, that's the TV remote."
It is a dance crew team name for suggestion.
Funky Fellas 100
100 Million Beers is for average beer enjoyers 🗿🗿.
It is also considered sexy, especially amongst men. Furthermore, Alfie and Zane conquered the 100 Million Beers and drank all of them, then asked for billions more. There is a lot of lore behind Zane and Alfie with the millions of beer.
(tt - zanebftw, the beer guy)
Zane : 100 Million Beers please!
Alfie : Nah make that 200 Million!
Hot Girls : Woah check those two out they are really majestic.
Type this in your discord server and damn, u just make the greatest chain ever.
A:I may not show it 100%
B:I may not show it 100%
C:I may not show it 100%
The chunkiest of pussy
"Look out her comes some pidgeon 100"