When a harry green arm emerges from a stinky hot trash can for a greasy hand job.
Hey Matt, I'm going to go get a Hot Oscar from that steamy park trash can.
The cutest boy in the whole world and he’s also the best boyfriend in the world. He’s the best thing that could ever happen to you , if you know him you should be lucky to have have him in your life. He’s so caring, funny, sweet, kind, thoughtful, genuine, goofy, Athletic and so handsome.
Oscar Alvarez is such an amazing person
The act of greatly overreacting and slapping someone in the face over a minor incidence of disrespect.
Some guy told me he didn't like my haircut so I gave that bitch a Will Smith Oscar.
The hottest most gay bitch boy with all the bitches and has impeccable fashion 💅
Oscar dolan is the one gay kid lol
Oscars minions are people who eat skyline, wear wife beaters, hate minorities, drink beer, and degrade women.
Oscars minions are so nelk.