Source Code

BS Online

1. To back stab someone online. Similar to BS in real life

2. To yell to your room-mate---while he is sleeping--- that "Hillary Clinton just got shot!!!" And when he looks at your laptop, you show him your friends bulging nuts on the screen.


(will looks at screen, sees Jon's nuts)

Will: Fuck you Zach, u fag. I hate you! I hope I never see you again.

Zach: Ownd bitch! You just witnessed a fat BS online

by DJ_FUCK_STAFORD May 5, 2008

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Ragnarok online

A MMORPG that attracts emos, wapanese, and immature teens around 14-17. All you'll find are kids that will talk about how horrible their lives are and discuss it on an online game, making everyone uncomfortable. Cheering them up isn't worth it, even when they threaten to quit.

Alot of males tend to act like females. I have no idea why. It creeps me out when they start talking about having their periods. Get a fucking life. It's just a chat room and a silly hat party.

Common Ragnarok online users

Alchemist: OMG HAI!
Stalker: Hai~
Alchemist: NO U D:<
Stalker: NO U!
Alchemist: PEW PEW!!!
Stalker: :<

by K. Lee September 24, 2007

15πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Mu Online

The best free mmorpg ever.Gosu game!

I've been playing Mu Online for the last 10 hours. It is so gosu!

by Tweak February 22, 2005

17πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

online poker

a form of poker played bye a sideman(s) or a skidman(s) which takes no talent what so ever and is made for fat people to be good at and sit there while watching gay porn.

Don't be a sideman/skidman and play online poker.

by Fatty McFat Fat March 18, 2005

12πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Extremely Online

The chronically online version of "chronically online."
Basically, the politically correct way of saying that someone spends far too much time online, thus corrupting their brain with insane people with limited knowledge's takes on social issues instead of listening to people with real-world experience and/or education.

A: "No way that mf just said that it's offensive and non-inclusive to say "y'all" lmaoo, how chronically online do you have to be?"
B: "Errr… ACTUALLY, it's extremely online."
A: "Oh God, they got you, too."

by Updated Magic September 3, 2022

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

eve online

A nice attempt at a Space themed MMORPG which was going well until it was discovered that the most of the developers were members of the most powerful clan (Band Of Brothers) and were helping them with inside knowledge to give them the upper hand.

Poor graphics, boring point and click interface (you can't actually manually fly the ships in combat) and hours of grinding needed to actually get anywhere.

Players fall into 4 broad categories

1- Hardcore - Spend all their time at their keyboards picking on newbies, sunlight will kill these people if they ever step outside

2- Farmers- Clans that mine repetively to sell ingame money online for real money

3- Drama queens - Like Voogru, who act as quasi-game police hunting farmers (because they desperately want to be admins but no amount of their kissing CCP's arse ever helps)

4- Triallers - those who play the 2 week free trial and realise what epic fail it is and do something more productive with their time

All in all, absolute fail, a game that desperately wishes it was Elite (an old Atari ST,Amiga game) online, played long term by sad lonely people whom one day will wake up and realise it is all just a load of pixels and what have I done with my life?

add to that the no-none can ever be certain that the developers are still cheating makes for a game best avoided.

prima "OMG Eve online is awesome"

secunda "but developers play this and cheat"

prima "OMG UR so gay, EVE is the shit"

secunda "LOL irony"

by Were all Doomed June 14, 2007

96πŸ‘ 350πŸ‘Ž

Chronically online


Riyan is chronically online

by Jigglyhdhjw January 31, 2022

5πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž