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Polite Bite

When you really don't feel like eating but are guilted into eating. Eating, in order to "fit in".

"Oh, you better at least have a "polite bite" of your Birthday Cake!". Second example; When your Mom or someone offers you something to eat and you've recently eaten and just couldn't eat another bite. "Oh, honey just have a "polite bite", I made it just for you!". When someone insists you taste something and it doesn't look appealing to you. So in order to not offend them, you take a "polite bite".

by Roxi Belaire September 5, 2011

Polite Stiffy

When your just chilling somewhere doing something thats not at all provocative. Your just minding your own business when suddenly you get a stiffy. Wondering why he decided to get up, you ask it, "Whats happening brotha?" Realizing its mistake, it politely apologies and goes down. Afterwards, you hope no one talking to your sophisticated willy.

"So I was hanging out with Sayori if you know what i'm saying and I-"
*willy interupts conversation*
"ay man Sayori isn't something to get excited about,"
"Oh, sorry about that, I'll leave now"
*willy leaves*
"I've never seen a Polite Stiffy before!"

by soap tastes alright August 15, 2018

Political Prostitute

One who's beliefs align with one political party but sell out and votes for another party based on the sole reason of "they won't win"

Look over there Jimmy. That guy is a political prostitute because he sold himself out and voted for another party he didn't agree with just because he thought they could win.

by Cjmar December 28, 2021


Feeling or realising that no matter which way you vote for you are fucked.

I really do not care who wins the election. I’m bi-political.

by DigitisingDave September 10, 2018

Political Predator

An individual in a position of unelected power who wields this position to indoctrinate unsuspecting individuals for political purposes outside the positions original purpose.

That teacher is a political predator he indoctrinated my friend into joining a violent movement

by JakesTheMan September 3, 2021

applicative politics

A political view that has a direct effect on one's personal life such as cannabis legalization or gay marriage. It does not make other politics such as foreign affairs any less important. Rather, it speaks for the issues that are most important in one persons life. Does not necessarily represent a liberal viewpoint, as they could be against cannabis legalization.

Politically obsessed person: "If you don't care about the financial involment overseas, then you are a turd-eating liberal!!"
Rational and sane person: "I am neither a liberal or conservative, I just care more about cannabis being legal for me to partake than what happens with the goverment budget. I guess its what you would call applicative politics- politics that actually matter."

by Gassy Emu July 5, 2011

Political Androgyny

the feeling one gets when a citizen of a nation can not tell any real or significant difference between various political parties and their candidates; that they must by necessity choose from each election. each of the parties may wear different make up and masks and clothes but for all intents and purposes it is the same actor. every year the same old thing but coming from "the other side" and nothing ever changing.

the feeling you get from "Political Androgyny" is like the feeling a "john" gets while trying to pick the female hookers from the drag-queen hookers while driving down a poorly lit back ally. you know that either way you are going to get fucked. but it is hard to tell if it is going to be one of those stories you tell your friends at the bar or one of those stories your friends find out and tell everyone about you.
-or like looking on craigslist for a quick bit of tail. what an add says is never quite what you get but you can pretty well bet you will end up with crabs.
-for example the term, "Obamnay" has been coined.... who supports what? hell even they don't know most of the time... who sent in the last biggest campaign contribution....

by Junglebob69696969 August 22, 2012