You can live without someone's respect, since most likely you've been living most of your life without the respect of people you don't well, whether they're people you just met at work or people you've known for a while. Your soul might not be replaceable though.
I'd rather be me than you or anybody else, even if nobody likes/respects me for it. Anybody can be trained to do something as a skill, but nobody can train somebody to be who they are, you are who you are for a reason. Respect isn't everything. Becoming a functional part of a machine to get respected isn't any good for me.
Respect is not essential to life. You dont need anybody else's respect to live, and they dont need yours. The most chicken shit people are the ones who wont stand alone when nobody likes or respects them. Gangs are full of chicken shits.
Britney Spears and a gang member aren't so different, they stand only with a group, only when they're in the majority, outnumbering the other guy. Nobody needs respect to keep going, and not being respected doesn't stop anybody. A lot of people seem to think they're going to disrespect Trump out of power. Like anybody who is human, he cares what people think of him, but not being respected won't change or stop anything he's doing, get real about life. A guy like Trump wouldn't have the kind of power he does if people could vote him out of office in a fair, democratic election. Theres never been any such thing, that's life.
Something you don't need to live.
It's better to not get respected for who you are than to try and be someone you never were, and get respected for it. You don't need anyone else's respect to go on living.
Something nobody owes anybody else just for breathing and maintaining a constant body temperature.
Theres too many people who think the world owes them the respect they're positive they deserve.
That thing they try to teach in school but doesn't work because kids are kids and kids are naturally disrespectful
Principal: *does a lesson on respect*
Kids: *talking about how this lesson is taught every term*
Principal: "Disrespectful!"
1. To unconditionally comply to rules, regulations, cultural practices, and forces which are much greater than yourself.
2. To admire and honor someone who have done something extraordinary usually for the greater good.
3. To demand others not to say something that you do not like, no matter whether it is true or not.
The dignity of school assemblies is to be respected. There is to be total silence once the assembly starts.
He has earned my utmost respect for his persistent in seeking and following the truth no matter how difficult it was.
If you don't respect me, I am going to beat the shit out of you!
To have respect for oneself and then be able to reciprocate and apply valued gesture. A dignified greeting of one's character to another