The linebacker from Nigeria took the receiver's helmet off his head and positioned it so that when he started to stomp on his head, it crushed his head, as he made a sound kind of like Solomon towards the end of Blood Diamond (the shovel scene) as he did it. He didn't realize that most people playing football weren't doing that, this guy really wanted to win, and he was trying to give beyond one hundred percent all the time. It was always life or death for him, since he had been shell shocked since he was a kid.
A trendy choker with cowrie shells wrapped around it. Usually, people that wear these are vsco girls.
Oh she is has cowrie shell choker on! She must be a vsco girl.
When he found out his wife of 9 years cheated on him he went straight shell bundy! loco crazy
throw it at your girlfriend if you want to break up without hurting her feelings
throw it at your friend if you want to end a friendship without crying
throw it at your parents if you want to land them in jail for beating you
throw it at a navy seal to commit suicide by someone else
Rando: *first place*
Rando's asshole friend: I don't think you can go there! *throws blue shell*
Rando: Aight we're not friends
Satan: I just wanna say that I'm a huge fan
Your worst fucking nightmare created in the firey pits of hell its so horrifying that the creator of it fears it
It can end friendships in a matter of seconds
friend: yeah you are *throws blue shell*
Me : N○●□○○♤□◇¿●♡♧●》☆*pain*
V1: Unfair item on mario kart. Used by assholes that try to steal your first place.
V2: Homing item on Mario Kart that destroys da player on first place. People thinks it's very unfair, but it was created for BALANCING THE FRICCIN GAME
1: That Blue Shell Hit the player in front me! How luck, now i'm first!
2: I got Blue Shelled by that player?! How unfair is the Blue Shell on this game.
When your taking a shit, but half way through, you suck the shit back up into your asshole
I just got done putting the turtle back in its shell