hello fortnite tiktokers i can guess ur hear cause u got called a skid so, a skid means scripted kiddie, or that u say u can boot, alo when u can't lmao
A skid is basically a "stupid kid" . It's often used in game's when people are mad
roblox term for free exploit users or overall kids
RobloxEpic2383: smh stop exploiting u skid
Nothaxx100: ok boomer
someone: bro have you seen that aaron kid?
me: yea bro that skid 😂
A skid is a scooter kid. Skids are kids that hate everything besides other skids. There life consists at the scooter park
Annie: Joe is such a skid, he never leaves the skate park.
Ben: IKR!
A person who is a wacko and does nothing but stay in one spot an is there for hours on end. Also someone who nobody likes and does stupid things all the time.
"kid is such a skid"
"what a pooky skid"
Term used for somebody who is overly skittish
That guy hiding over there is being such a skid.