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stripper bank

A box under your bed filled with dirtier than usual 1's, 5's, and 20's that smell of butt sweat. The money may also appear to glitter from the lotion, glitter, and bodily bodily fluids they picked up during the transaction in which they were acquired.

Porsche was shocked to hear that the lender a picture of the money from her stripper bank as proof of funds to close her transaction.

by Cadmus $ February 21, 2015

Chicken Stripper

A fat stripper who walks onto the stage in a chicken costume and strips.

Lets go see the chicken strip.
The chicken stripper is great at their job!

by ViolinCat27 September 15, 2021

stripper clutch

the act of a stripper picking up money with her pussy or ass cheeks

Rob was planning on being an asshole and picking up the money again to make it rain but misty went down and got it in her stripper clutch.

by kwaw January 19, 2014

diaper stripper

An underage girl who is very promiscuous.

Wow, Mary's a real diaper stripper! She's went down on Kevin and she's only 16.

by Guava Cookie December 20, 2014

Stripper Whipped

When you go to an exotic venue that has multiple ladies conducting erotic choreographed dance moves in their sexiest outfit. Soon one dancer will catch you starring and invite you to the back for VIP dances. Before you know it, you are Stripper Whipped. She has got you!! Many scholars have attempted to figure ways to get out of this phenomenon. Unfortunately, there is no answer. Only cure is when you give away all your money and dignity to them. They will walk away and have you wanting more.

Bro I went to a strip club last night. I got super Stripper Whipped and fell in love with her. Spent all my rent and lunch money on her. I'm broke as a joke son!!

by One man party!! June 16, 2024

gta v strippers

Horny npcs at Vanilla Unicorn in GTA V

I cant use gta v strippers in a sentance you horny f*cks

by Holaee145 April 30, 2022