the min antagonist from the popular movie series fortnite, bizzare adventures. uses his powers to game end half of all noobs.
thanos is T H I C C
A fucking nerd that loves his rock collection. Loves to show it off very clearly on his custom built mitten that shows off 5 rock candy's that are actually colored boogers. When he gets pissed he will do a clucking noise similarly to knuckles in his hands and banish you to worlds without muscular men and memes.
Thanos gay
A bald thicc ass purple space raisin running around with a granny's yellow oven mitt and a wack ass rock collection
That nigga thanos caught a fade while making breakfast
He's a purple daddy with a big ass who's killed many, many people.
"Hey have you seen infinity war, Rob?" Todd asked
"Yeah and I thought Thanos was an awful person for killing Peter Parker."
The god like Titan who brings Peace to our world with a snap of his finger. He blesses us with chances to live .Even if lost one's were killed it was for the better. Thanos is a God and if you use his name he will snap again and end your life
"We are children of Thanos"