Source Code

Mano County

Mano county sheriff’s office was created by TechCodes. To this day he holds the title of “Original possession” as of 2020. TechCodes has had different versions of Mano county leaked and used by many groups. As of 2022 his version “Mano County V4 BETA” was leaked and used by many Mano county community groups. TechCodes has V5 being released as of 2023 and continues to work on the game and genre. A person known as “SOELHOXHA” has used tech’s V4 map in a group called “State of Pennsylvania” which the experience itself is called “ Philadelphia, PA” Tech has noticed this and discontinued use of V4 and is going straight to V5 as of 2023. Remember kids, don’t steal games that aren’t yours and claim them as your own.

Mano county is gay.

by ManoCountyReports February 2, 2023

15👍 3👎

Crawford county

Crawford county is a small piece of shit town full of white and black people that are full of shit and think they’re the biggest and baddest. Both white and black people act like niggers and everybody has juuls. Everyone is also fake and hoes that like to yell at every one and go back to they ex a million times

You act like your from Crawford county

by This guy anonymous March 3, 2019

5👍 2👎

Solano County

A county located in NorCal in the North Bay Area, halfway between Sactown and the Sucka Free. Includes the cities Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield (The Flatts, Squarefield or Fairfuck), Rio Vista, Vacaville (Crackaville, Cowtown), Vallejo and Suisun. Part of the 707 and hailed by such rappers as Mac Dre, E-40, The Federation, Turf Talk, etc. Birthplace of the infamous Bill Buckner who ruined the Red Sox's chances in the 1986 World Series. Also the birthplace of C.C. Sabathia, Jeff Gordon, Papa Roach and other unlucky people. It is a shithole and everyone who lives there needs to get the FUCK OUT.

"Yeah I'm from Solano County... Yeah there are lots of rednecks, gangstas and cows... Yeah it sucks

by Fairfield Rob November 22, 2006

29👍 25👎

Lewis County

Well in this hick infested county there isnt much to do you can go cow tippin,make out with ur cousin,or just about anyone else seeing how everyone is related everybody is screwed up... the best thing to see is how the local country boy sees someone from out of town they stare like that person is from a different planet. also whats with all the wheelers they have invented cars also it is okay to shower so y dont u try im sure youll be fine

hickville and lewis county

by outta townwer February 7, 2011

14👍 9👎

orange county

A very strange place. you've got your poor parts (Santa Ana, Garden Grove, some of Orange and Fullerton) and you've got your rich parts (virtually all of south county). Very wide income gap between the two. You got beaches, million dollar houses, poor parts, projects, and everything in between. Im from Santa Ana, and all the white people who left in the 60's are coming back, not to live here, but to shop, it's strange. Much of Orange County is populated by yuppy ass white people, (the only exception would be here, but now even mexican girls are rockin that bullshit ass cracka apparel).

Santa Ana is a prime example of Orange County's darker side. You've got fundamental schools the government put in to push the slacker kids around here, but it dosent do any good. Soon it will be all crackers and asians after all the raza moves to riverside.

by illlx December 6, 2006

68👍 68👎

Montgomery County

rich and diverse surburb in maryland where every black person WISH THEY WAS GHETTO. everybody says they're from d.c. , but they know darn well they were born in raised in montgomery county. montgomery county is also home to fake wannabe gangs

People A: what you bouta do punk we from white oak you don't wanna see us !
person B:bitch please, im from barry farms niqqa yall from sweet ass Montgomery County, fuck you talkinn bout !
People A: .....oh nvm.

by lilshawdeee5 July 30, 2011

40👍 37👎

Loudoun County

A part of NOVA that makes the rest of Northern Virginia look like stuck up over sheltered rich snobs. It’s packed with a very rich population flooding Ashburn, Sterling, Leesburg ect. There is nothing to do in this county. Oh and I mean nothing. This place sucks. It is also filled with afro white boy "Gangsters" reminiscent of Malibu's most wanted. I’m not fronting or joking either. Go there and see these bammas fo yo self. A trip 30 minute trip to Anacostia in DC might straiten these losers up and make them realize who they really are. God, what a high Population of fake people.

(Guy 1): Reppin Bloods Darkside nigguh

(Guy 2): Um what?!? Where you from.

(Guy 1) : Ashburn in Loudoun county Nigguh!

(Guy 2) : Yeah.....I heard yall some tough gangbanger in the Suburbs......You steal that mercades? Or did your dad buy it?

(Guy 1) : My dad bought it niggah.

(Guy 2): Look, um don't ever speak to me again. Don't ever look at me....Ever. Fake ass punk!

by same king jjjooe July 11, 2008

67👍 67👎