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time for a change

What the United States of America needs, politically speaking.

Like Barack Obama said, "It's time for a change"

by qwerty1 September 26, 2008

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sex change

1. When someone Surgically switchs their gender through complicated operations.

2. A skateboard trick where the skater does a normal kickflip as well as a 180 degree body varial all in one motion.

1. My lesbo sister is considering getting a sex change.

2. I did a Sex-change off my bro's kicker ramp.

by Dan the Man February 24, 2005

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Loose Change

A controversial online video that provides evidence and eye-witness testimonials to suggest that the bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were not the fault of Usama Bin Laden, but instead that of the United States under the Bush Administration. It has earned wide reputation (both good and bad) online and continues to increase to this day despite sever criticism (ie: Maddox on The Best Page in the Universe). While Loose Change may seem a bit, well, "loose" on some of its facts, it's a very well crafted video and a good alternative view to the 9/11 tragedy

www.oneworld.co.nr supports the right to freedom of speech exercised in Loose Change

by Dream Anderson June 16, 2007

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Loose Change

An amatuer video distributed over the internet devoid of fact, logic and scientific credibility. The makers claim, without supporting proof, that a secret group within the US government faked the attacks of 9-11. Among the absurd, unsubstantiated claims made by Loose Change are; United Flight 93 landed in Cleveland and had the passengers offloaded and subsequently spirited away, two real jets were used to attack the WTC but a fake jet was used to attack the Pentagon, more than half the worlds gold reserves were stolen from the WTC during the attacks, the WTC twin towers along with WTC7 were destroyed in a controlled demolition several times larger than the biggest controlled demolition in history without anyone noticing the YEARS of preperation work the task would have needed, high ranking officers of the New York Fire Department turned a blind eye to the murder of 300 of thier comrades to participate in a multi-billion dollar insurance scam.

Loose Change is the Mien Kampf of the internet age.

by http://www.lolloosechange.co.nr/ June 23, 2006

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Chang Bang

The result of leaving a Florida party at 7 in the morning with a smile on your face after listening to DJ Chang all night long.

Q: What did you do last night?

A: Went to a party last night and was Chang Banged.

by Florida Music Rocks February 10, 2010

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Karin Chang

the "sense" of all things.

Karin Chang senses that Superman will rescue Cherie.

by Anonymous January 22, 2003

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changed up

When a friend gets in a relationship and begins to "change up" ( AKA be a fag ) their behavior.

"Josh come play Fortnite with us."
"Nah man imma be super gross with stephanie on the couch might suck her titty a little."
"Man you changed up."

by Rfrogthecurved March 4, 2018

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